Meet Nicola – One of Our Residents

Hello. My name is Nicola. Until 2018 I lived at home with my Mum and Dad and went to shared care at Archway’s Berryden Mills.

Our Story of Archway

Before that I went to Archway at Stevenson Court so I have been coming to Archway for a long time but always going home after. But in 2018 I came to live at Westburn Road. It was very exciting. Mum and Dad talked to me beforehand and we met with Tom and got shown my new bedroom. I’ve got a TV, photos, cards and lots of other things. I still see Mum and Dad – we sometimes go shopping or to see my sister, Julie, and my niece and nephew. I had a sleepover at Julie’s – but I like going back to Westburn Road too. I’ve made lots of new friends – Ann, Rosalind, Carolyn, Paul and Sheila and the staff are really nice too. We do our nails and watch movies and I really like the food. We do puzzles together, chat and watch TV – my favourites are Emmerdale and Coronation Street.

Sometimes we go out or get a takeaway in! On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I go to the Len Ironside Centre and on Fridays I go out with my key worker, Jade. We go to the cinema or the Sports Village for an activity, bowling or out for lunch.

"I am really happy at Westburn Road and glad I came to stay. "
