Our daughter Hannah is now 26. I always say to her that she's a wee star. She was born that she had Down's Syndrome but my husband, Andy, and I just accepted it and of course immediately fell in love with her…
Our Story of Archway
We really had absolutely no clue what lay ahead. She didn’t walk until she was over 3 years old and she has had other medical issues. Her speech is very limited, she uses gestures and signing makaton to various degrees to suit her. Conversation is a big loss but her strong visual skills and memory are good for making her feel more in control.
Hannah started going to Archway’ about 12 years ago.
Initially I would wait for a phone call in case she needed me but now I breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy my own time. I am sure it must be difficult for most parents who don’t have a child with learning disabilities to appreciate how different life is.
Most parents of a 26 year old don’t even have that child living at home never mind still being responsible for every aspect of their life – getting them up, showering them, helping them dress, cleaning their teeth, preparing packed lunches and meals, entertaining them, taking them to their activities, doctors’ appointments and so much more.
We are on constant duty to make sure she is happy and medically and emotionally well. We consider ourselves fortunate in so many ways as Hannah does give a lot back and enjoys having FUN which means we do too! We are now entering a different stage in our lives and have the complex and daunting task of looking at what is best for Hannah going forward. Whatever unfolds we will continue to play a big role in her life, she's our beautiful daughter and we wouldn't have it any other way.......
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