Achway @ St Margaret’s Place will give those with learning disabilities a new life in the community

A local charity supporting people with learning disabilities from the Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire area has launched a new £100,000 appeal to develop a new supported living service.

Archway @ St Margaret’s Place will give more adults with learning disabilities the chance to lead independent and fulfilling lives in the local community.

Archway was set up over 30 years ago by parents and carers.  Its progressive approach made it the first charity at that time to offer a residential respite service for children and adults with learning disabilities.

It now offers a lifeline of caring services, including respite and permanent care through 4 community based services to nearly 200 children, and adults with learning disabilities, many of whom also have associated physical disabilities.

Whilst there are over 100 members of staff working across all the services, the charity is still parent-led ensuring the needs of each individual and their family are the focus of its work.

The Archway @ St Margaret’s Place Appeal will create a new service for the charity by providing permanent accommodation and 24 hour supported living for four adults with learning disabilities on a Care at Home basis. Residents at St Margaret’s Place will be tenants in their own right and each will have their own care package depending on their needs, distinct from the Care Home environment which Archway currently runs. This will help them develop the independent living skills and confidence they need to lead as independent a life as possible.

Chairman Jim Sangster explained:

“For a number of years Archway has been fundraising to develop and provide more permanent care and we were fortunate to be able to purchase the property at St Margaret’s Place in Aberdeen. However, before the new service can begin, the charity has to completely renovate and re-develop the property – including converting the garage into 2 wheelchair accessible bedrooms and a wheelchair accessible wet room, install ramps at all entrances and exits, create an accessible bathroom with tracking hoist system, install a new kitchen and heating system, widen doorways, redecorate throughout and create a parking and turning space at the front of the property. Plans have been drawn up and consents are in place but Archway now needs to raise another £100,000 to complete the project”.

Mr Sangster continued:

“We are delighted to be so close to being able to do more to help those with learning disabilities enjoy the kind of life most of us take for granted and are appealing for help from local companies, individuals and community groups.  With their support we can complete the project sooner rather than later and ensure that some very special people who need a helping hand will be able to start life in their new home as soon as possible.”

The charity hopes to be able to start work on the project in the next few months with people moving into the property by Spring next year.

Anyone wishing to donate or find out more can contact the Charity’s Fundraising Manager, Janine Davies by email – or call 01224 643327

