St Margaret’s Place

Unit Manager - Sarah Mouncher

9 St Margaret's Place, Aberdeen, AB15 6GA

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Our St Margaret’s Place supported living service is located in the Summerhill area of Aberdeen. It is a short walk to the main road where there is a corner shop and a regular bus service which runs into Aberdeen city centre. The individuals who live at St Margaret’s Place have a tenancy agreement with Archway […]

Our St Margaret’s Place supported living service is located in the Summerhill area of Aberdeen. It is a short walk to the main road where there is a corner shop and a regular bus service which runs into Aberdeen city centre.

The individuals who live at St Margaret’s Place have a tenancy agreement with Archway who are the owners and landlord of the property.  St Margaret’s Place is registered as a Care at Home and Housing Support service providing individualised support for 4 adults with learning disabilities.  The service is provided 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.

St Margaret’s Place is a wheelchair accessible bungalow and has been specially adapted to provide the following facilities: open plan living and dining room, kitchen and utility room, an activity room, bathroom with adjustable bath and overhead tracking hoist, wet room and 4 bedrooms. There is a ramp to the front and the back of the property, a large driveway and enclosed back garden.

